Self employed health insurance minnesota

New diseases are creeping each day up from nowhere just out of thin air and the only thing that we could possibly do is to safeguard ourselves against them. The eruption of new diseases along with the diseases that have been known and have taken a shape of epidemic, have only added to the chaos and medical bills. But what as Self-employed individual you could do to safeguard yourself and your family from a medical emergency. We all know that during a medical ailment what we most require is immediate medical help and it has to be paid to be continued.

Self-employed people are worst hit as they are not covered by an insurance provided by their employer such as group insurance. And with the rate of health insurance touching the rock sky, how probably you as a self-employed person can avail one on your personal guarantee. Although there has been a sharp decline in the number of uninsured Self-employed people from 2001 to 2004 in the city of Minnesota, while there were 13.4% of self-employed people who were uninsured in 2001 the percentage has decreased to 9.3 in 2004.The city of Minnesota?s Ministry of Health Department is determined that all residents of the state should have a health plan. the departments is very particular about providing its denizens with the option that allow them to at least opt of one health insurance or health plan.The e-health initiative has started by the ministry has helped to improve overall quality of health insurance. so make use of the facility. As per the recent figures the state of Minnesota is ranked as one of the top states of America to provide its citizen the various health insurance alternatives.

Apart from the private individual operating in the state of Minnesota there are many initiative started by the government which tries to provide health plan and health insurance to people specially like self-employed who are not backed by the compulsory health insurance by a company.There are basically three program that operate in the state of Minnesota initiated by the government of which can be beneficial to you. Although these programs are not specifically for self-employed professional but for people who have lower income and who are working but not insured.

1. Medical assistance: This plan is specially initiated for the people with lower incomes although there are some conditions attached to it. But unlike Medicare a federal government plan catering only to people above 65 year of age or to people with certain physical disability, its doesn't restricts you to apply sans these conditions. Although There has to certain criteria to be filled before you apply for this insurance coverage.

2. General Medical Assistance Medical Care (GMAC) : this plan is meant for those Minnesotian who have lower income and are not eligible for other states or federal program. The GMAC is funded by the state itself. Alike the medical assistance program you have to call or go to the human service emergency of the county you reside. When you apply you have to provide some information and if you could satisfy the norms the GMAC will pay for your medical bill.

3. Minnesota care : this program is especially for working professional who have no heath insurance plan. You can apply for the plan online also. Minnesota "> is a combined effort of both the state and the insurer himself. The state government and insurer pay their part of premium. The coverage starts from the month one start paying the premium. The premium is decided by the factor such as family income, family size and number of people in the family who are covered. Children under 21 years of age had to a pay a fixed premium of $4 a month. The form is available on their site at, you can either take the print out or send it by mail.

All these plan although are not bracketed for self-employed people but you are one of those people who are eligible provided you fulfill certain criteria as mentioned above

Now for some guide line that might help you to fetch health insurance from public and private sources.

1. Buy a short term plan : the reason for this advice is that if you might not be able to afford a policy with huge premium.a short term policy with lower premium can assure that you at least have a coverage even it is for a shorter period of time. It will be easier to afford as well as to get one too.

2. Seek out for your association: you might be member of an association for people like you like writers association or private tutors association then you people can gather and apply for a group plan. This is quite possible ask the local agent about it.

3. Start a health saving account : this is a comparatively new concept and can be said to be tailor-made for the self employed people as you can have a place for tax-free saving ( health saving account are excepted from tax till a certain limit) and moreover it will create a emergency fund for your emergency medical treatments. One of big benefits is that with a health saving account you might be able to take a health plan with a higher deductable and thereby reducing the cost of you premium.

So if you are working on your own your priority should be to acquire a good health plan for yourself and your family as you know that you are the only one, who have worry and pay the medical bills if anybody needs medical treatment at home. With Minnesota "> government trying to help you with one why not own one. Health is everything after all.

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