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Price: $1,100 Available: Now.

APARTMENTMAN . As APARTMENTMAN (TM) sits at his desk, with his telescopic vision, he notices a message left crumpled up on the floor by his feet. You may ask why he needs telescopic vision to see a note at his feet. Good question. I'll have to get back to you on that. The note is from the police department. It states that $3000. in parking tickets are owed on the APARTMENTMANMOBILE. If not paid within 30 days the APARTMENTMANMOBILE cannot be registered. You may ask, "Why does a superhero need to register his car" "Also, if his identity is a secret, how can they find him to mail him the notice " Uh, moving right along. Faced with the prospects of becoming a parking scofflaw, APARTMENTMAN (TM) leaps from his desk, hops into theAPARTMENTMANMOBILE, and heads to city hall to pay his tickets. He pulls into the city hall parking lot and what does he see He sees 400 parking spaces all designated for city employees. Far to the end of the mile long lot, he sees 2 spaces for citizens. He pulls in, approaches the meter and realizes it is $.25 for 5 minutes. Also, there is a 10 minute maximum time allowed. He puts in his quarter, runs to the building and waits in line. The time ticks. Finally, he gets to the front, pays his tickets and dashes back to the APARTMENTMANMOBILE to find, you guessed it, a new ticket. It may be easier to find an apartment than to beat city hall. Well here's a nice place to begin. DIMENSIONS/ DESCRIPTION OF APARTMENT:See photos Copyright: James V Castelli {2003-2010} James V Castelli 617-739-0747 email: Cat OK -


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