Moving with Kids: 5 Tips to Move with Kids Smoothly


No matter whether you have bought a new house or found a new job in another city, leaving the previous home and moving to a new place will never be easy. Besides going through an emotional roller coaster of leaving your old neighborhood and the fear of facing the unseen, packing your things and setting them at a new place is also a huge headache. But things can get worse if you are moving with kids!

From telling your kids that they would have to say goodbye to their school and neighbor friends, helping them go through an emotional episode without breaking, packing their belongings without disturbing their set routine, to assisting them in adjusting to the new place, changing places with kids is a big struggle.

So, if you are planning to move with kids, here are given some tips to make moving less trouble for you:

Sorting clothes


Mentally Prepare Your Kids

It's good to start letting your kids know slowly when you decide to buy a new home or move for whatever reason rather than exploding bombs on their heads the night before moving. You need to understand that kids are naive, and they might be emotionally attached to their house, school, neighborhood, and leaving these things can be painful for them. The sudden news of change can mentally and emotionally disturb them for days; worst, you might have to see a bit of personality change due to moving out unprepared.

So, tell your kids beforehand about your plan, help them digest this news, and give them emotional assistance. Moreover, sometimes, drastic climate change can also disturb kids. For example, if you have found a great villa for sale in Dubai, and now you are moving to Dubai from Boston, your children will need some time to adjust to a 360-degree change in the climate. Make sure to prepare them for this change as well.


Give Time to Say Goodbye

You might think that kids will forget their friends in a day or a few, and this isn't a big deal. But you could be wrong. Their good memories with friends might stay with them forever. So, respect your kids' emotional attachment with their friends and give them enough time to bid farewell to them. It's even better if you throw a small party for your children's friends and let your kids spend some quality time with friends and exchange contact information.


Engage Kids in Setting New Home

Respecting kids' opinions and letting them have their say in setting up a new house will help your kids accept the new place. Even if it's not possible to replicate the old house in the new one, still splashing their favorite colors on the walls, setting the same favorite room corner, and putting backyard swings can make a huge difference in your kids' mood. It will also help them adjust to the new place quickly.


Assign Tasks to Involve Them

Packing is like enclosing a whole sea in a small box. Just thinking of winding up things spread at the length of the house is so daunting. It gets worse if you also have to take care of kids. What are they doing? Are they playing safely? Such questions don't let you pack things in peace. So, the best alternative is to involve them in packing and assign them tasks. Like, putting their clothes in the box, gathering toys in one place, etc. This will give you a helping hand as well as free you from the worry of thinking about what your kids are up to.


Pack Kids' Essentials Separately

Be mindful when you are packing your kids' things. Like, if your child has a favorite toy or blanket that he loves or can't sleep without, pack it in a separate box so that you can take it out easily whenever he wants it. Moreover, set aside the feeder, a couple of clothes, and diapers to pack them in a separate bag for the last night in the old house and the first night in the new house. This intelligent move will save you from the trouble of ripping boxes to find the toy that your child needs right on the spot.

Moving with kids can't be easy-breezy no matter what. You will have to face tantrums, mood swings, and episodes of weeping. But still, your smart move and cooperative behavior can make things a lot easier. Make sure to follow these tips, and you will see a huge difference!