Why HomeOwners Should be Worried about Rat Infestations


Rats and other rodents are not often greeted with open arms -- many homeowners cannot name something they would like to find in their home less. And while they are certainly not something that is pleasant to find or spot in your home, rats can cause much more than just a little spook or disgust. They are extremely dangerous to the health of both you and your home.

Most homeowners are aware that they should steer clear of the rodents and immediately move forward with removal attempts. Nuisance Wildlife Pros has the expertise and knowledge to help you decide what the best method of removal is for your situation. Not every infestation is created equal and what works for your neighbor might not work for you. If you need advice on how to move forward or help to complete the tasks the professionals are there for you along the way.


Staying far away from these animals is vital and smart to do, but the danger of rats in your home is not limited to direct interaction or touch with them. The pathogens that rats have the ability to carry around with them can be transmitted through their urine and droppings. Additionally, the particles and pathogens found in urine and droppings become airborne as they break down and envelop themselves into certain parts of your home or the air. You can come into contact with these dangerous pathogens even if you do not come into direct contact or even see a rat yourself. You can become infected by simply breathing the air that they are.


The list of pathogens and diseases that rats carry is not short:

  • Hantavirus
  • Hemorrhagic Fever
  • Renal Syndrome
  • Lassa Fever
  • Salmonellosis
  • Rat-Bite Fever
  • Plague
  • Tularemia
  • Leptospirosis
  • Omsk Hemorrhagic Fever
  • Lymphocytic Chorio-meningitis


It is better to be safe than sorry if you have detected rats in your home. Your family's health is not worth the risk.

Trapping and baits are often used and are poison-free methods of removal. Traps can be placed on your own or you can call a pest control company to help complete the task for you. Blocking entry holes and exits is beneficial as well, but if the rats are in your home, they will need to be removed by a direct method such as trapping or bating. Poison and rodenticides are not as popular methods of removal as they used to be, but if you would like more information on that method, you can visit rat-control.com to explore that option. Professionals can help you decide whether or not poison is a good idea or the ideal method of removal for your situation.

Not only are rats detrimental to the health of the people living in the home, but they have the ability to be destructive to the home as well. A home is vital to the health and safety of your family. Living in a safe, structured, and well-built home is vital to a healthy family. Rats have the ability to destroy the foundation of your home. They will chew on and through nearly anything. This includes the materials used to build and stabilize your home. They can cause extreme structural damage that is incredibly unsafe to leave damaged and incredibly expensive to fix.

They may also gnaw their way through insulation in your attic and walls. Insulation is vital to a well-maintained home environment and replacing any damage is extremely expensive. They have also been known to chew through the insulation that is placed around wires for safety. When this happens, the wires are left bare and can easily start fires if they are not fixed and replaced.

If you have noticed rats in the home, there are ways to swiftly remove them and keep your home and those within it as safe as possible.