Selling a House With a Pool:
7 Tips To Make It Feel Like Paradise


A house with a pool can be a huge selling point for interested buyers. You can make it even more appealing by making it into a paradise. It's worth your time because a pool can add about five to eight percent of the home's value into the sale.

So, how do you make your home feel more like paradise? Check out these tips!


1. Keep the Pool Clean and Looking Nice

Take some time to clean the pool and the areas around it. You want them to be spotless. Buyers will imagine themselves swimming and relaxing there easily when there's not as much clutter. Plus, they'll be happy to know they won't need to spend much time cleaning the pool right after moving in, so they focus on getting settled.

Check that the pool water is crystal clear, that toys are put away, and that the landscaping looks nice. It should look well-maintained to make it the most appealing.

You can also decorate around the deck to make it look more like a paradise. Choose high-quality items that pair with a theme to keep it consistent.

House with a pool. Image by Unsplash


2. Work on the Surrounding Landscaping

As mentioned above, you'll want to spend some time fixing up the landscaping around an outdoor pool.

Cut the grass, plant flowers and shrubs, and arrange your outdoor furniture nicely. Choose bright colors to make it look fun and exotic, like a resort.

You'll need to do your best to keep the landscaping trimmed and clean-looking until you sell the house. Remember that the landscape is the first impression people will have of your pool, so you want to make it look as pleasant as possible to help with the sale.


Add Tropical Landscaping

You should use tropical pool plants when upgrading your landscaping. Lush greenery will make it so much more appealing.

Some great options include palm trees, banana plants, and bamboo. Take the time to layer the plants in the area around the pool to create more visual interest. You'll want the taller plants in the back, with the shorter ones up front.


3. Offer More Pool Privacy

Not everyone is comfortable with a pool in an open space. You can make it much more appealing to a broader range of buyers by adding some more privacy features around the pool.

You can do this with tall hedges, trees, and fences. Another great choice is to use pergolas with beautiful flowering vines crawling up them. Lattices and privacy screens can also work with some pools to make them more private.

Take care of how you arrange and maintain them. They must look nice when people see the home.

Providing more privacy will make people feel more at home in your pool. They'll feel more comfortable and will choose it over other homes that feel too exposed to passersby.


4. Always Stage the Pool

Staging the pool area can make it look like the perfect paradise retreat for buyers. You can set out colorful, comfortable towels, pool toys, and vacation-themed decor.

Next, turn on any water features you have. These include fountains, sprayers, and waterfalls. If you have lighting, ensure it's also on.

Many home sellers spend most of their time preparing their homes for staging. Don't forget to do the same for your pool!

Overall, you want the pool to look ready for fun in the sun. The buyers should have no problems imagining themselves enjoying the setting.

Pool with inflatables. Image by Unsplash


5. Choose Professional Pool Photography

A photographer can get outstanding quality pictures for you to use on the home seller's website. They'll capture the pool in a way that makes it feel like a paradise.

The photographer will also pick out unique aspects of the pool to highlight. They have a superb eye for detail and can draw attention to the features you want sellers to see. For example, you can showcase custom tiling, water accessories, or landscaping work.

The pros will even edit your pictures to make them brighter, clearer, and more like a paradise. You'll have a lot of competition in the housing market, so working with a photographer will help you get an edge.


6. Upgrade Your Pool Lighting

Next, consider adding some more lighting to the pool. It'll look nicer and more like a paradise.

You'll need to ensure that any fixtures you choose are for outdoor use. Using standard lighting outside could be dangerous, especially near a pool. Make sure to take professional Pool Installers help for this.

LED lights are an excellent choice because they weather the outside well, and they come in various colors. You'll want to use colors that match your theme. Blues, pinks, and purples are perfect choices, especially for underwater lighting.

Try combining different colors to get the effect you want.

You can also use outdoor torches, sconces, path lights, and overhead lamps to help add more lighting.

Lighting is crucial when selling your home. Adding more to your pool has the same impact. You'll need to focus on it more for indoor pools because they won't receive as much natural lighting as outdoor ones.

Lastly, solar-powered lights are beneficial to homeowners. They won't raise your electrical bills, and they work just like normal lights. They collect energy during the day, and then brighten the pool at night, making them perfect for outdoor pools.

Arial view of a pool. Image by Unsplash


7. Show Buyers Your Pool Maintenance Records

Finally, it's a good idea to show the buyers your pool maintenance records. These records let them know the pool's in good condition. It assures them they won't need to perform a lot of work on it to get it up and running in time for the summer.

It also shows how much you care about the pool and how it can become a paradise for the next owners.