14 Essential Items for Moving Out


Movers carrying boxes


Moving out is quite an experience, no matter the reason or circumstances behind the move. It can be exciting but also scary and uncertain. To make it easier, plan your move as much as you can before. The moving-out checklist we share here contains all the essentials you need to coordinate a successful move and start your next journey to a new place.

Here are the essential things to consider when moving out.


1. Place to Live

Have a comfortable, reasonably priced place to live with your lifestyle in mind. Close amenities should align with how you want to spend your time and what feels comfortable. If you don't have a car, ensure public transportation is available at your new place.


2. Draw Up a Budget for Your Move

Nail down your budget for the move. If you want to arrange a moving company, have help with packing, or rent storage containers, or if you're going to rent a truck and do a large part of it yourself, all of this is an expense. Know what you need to do to make your move go smoothly.


3. Hiring a Moving Company

Hiring a moving company may not be worth it if you don't have many things. If you want to save money, storage containers that will move your belongings to where they need to end up. In addition, there are trucks you can fill and drive. Compare quotes and options between companies and services before deciding.


4. Employment to Pay Your Rent

Have a job that covers your rent. Don't move out if you don't have a job that covers your rent. This is necessary for your stability, to ensure that you don't end up homeless, relegated to sleeping on a friend's couch, or have to move back in.


5. Decide What to Bring with You

You may not want to bring many big, bulky items you care to leave behind. Go through everything you have, selecting what you wish to bring and what you don't intend to bring with you. Take your time. Take a few days. Give some thought to what you want to let go of.


6. Pack and Label Your Things

Pack what you bring with you into boxes. Make sure you have sturdy moving boxes. Label everything. Put small items in bags and clusters. If you pack with this mindset, unpacking will be much easier, and you won't miss anything.


7. Cleaning Supplies

You may want to clean after getting the keys to your new place. Having some basic cleaning supplies with you is never a bad idea. These include a general-purpose cleaner, toilet cleaner, garbage bags, disinfectant, microfiber cloth, a broom, mop, and paper towel.


8. Locate Furniture

Though sleeping on the floor for a night or two is fine, you won't want to do it indefinitely. Some basics for moving out are having a bed, couch, and dining room table. At the very least, consider these three must-haves as your starting point.


9. First Aid Kit

A basic First Aid Kit is handy as you unpack and arrange your items. If you are injured or cut, your First Aid Kit will help. Be sure it has standard band-aids, antiseptic creams, and over-the-counter painkillers.


10. Buy Bedding

In addition to a bed frame and mattress, ensure you're set with a mattress topper, bedsheets, duvet or comforter, pillowcases, and pillows. Bedding sets can often be purchased inexpensively, making your new home feel more cozy on your first night in.


11. Call Your Utility Companies

Let the utility companies know you are moving in, and do it a few days before the move. Ensure electricity, water, and gas are on. Cable and internet are also essential for many. This way, you won't be scrambling or disappointed when your utilities aren't on move-in day.


12. Kitchen Basics

Pick up some plates, mugs, and cutlery. You won't want to be without these. Often, they're the most common items that people moving out don't remember to pack or buy for themselves. If you aren't sure what style to pick, opt for disposables until you do.


13. Your First Grocery

Don't show up at your home with a bunch of food that needs to be immediately put into the fridge or freezer. Have some easy-to-snack food. Coffee and a coffee maker or tea and a kettle are handy. If you are moving out for the first time, some bread and spreads are easy to get, so you won't go hungry on your first day.


14. Electric Chargers

Ensure you aren't missing any phone chargers, device chargers, or cords and cables essential to your day-to-day. You may also want to buy and pack some extras in case any of your chargers are damaged on the move.